Don't Mind if I Do

Don't Mind if I Do
Why hello, gentlemen...

July 7, 2011

Romantic Espionage

They say our weaknesses can also be our strengths, but I never thought my eavesdropping could be a dating device!

Thisbe, John William Waterhouse, 1909
I admit, I am a repeat and stealth-free offender. I have been called out on numerous occasions, by friends as well as by victims who notice me practically taking notes during their juicy private-in-public conversations. Something about my slack jaw and craned neck gives me away, every time. It's embarrassing, of course, but I just can't help myself. People are so interesting!

At the local art museum, this shortfall became a man-catching asset. As I reached out to open the big, glass front doors, I heard a guy finishing up a cell phone conversation. Something about his voice caught my attention and I glanced back. He was a few steps behind us on the stairs, with dark hair, carrying a
sporty yellow backpack.

Moments later, in the ticket line, we got to chatting and I blurted out, "So, you're meeting your parents here this afternoon?" Yes, folks, I blatantly admitted it. He was all, "How did you..?" and I was all, "You just said so a minute ago into your cell phone." Like, duh. He thought this was pretty funny. Indeed, when he texted later that week, he reminded me, "We met last Saturday after u 'overheard' my phone conversation a-HEM."

As I've said before, it's very helpful if a guy has something to tease you about. It's like a craggy indent on a rock climb -- it's a foothold as they hoist themselves upwards toward the peak.

His next question: "Are you also a Peeping Tom?"

[Answer: Negatory! I play espionage by ear, only. I don't peek.]

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