Don't Mind if I Do

Don't Mind if I Do
Why hello, gentlemen...

July 18, 2011

Mid-Term Progress Report

Time has been tight, but I am slowly chipping away at my Summer Dating Goals. Herewith, a brief update:

Summer Dating Intentions Progress To Date (6 weeks into the 16)
1. 8 different gents out of 20
2. 2 non-online dude out of the requisite 5
3. 1 stranger!
out of 3

Clearly, I have some catching up to do! Subtracting some upcoming travel days, I am halfway through my dating semester. I am glad to report that I continue to fill the pipeline, and snagged a potential "stranger date" this afternoon while lolling at a nearby pond with a girlfriend. Stay tuned for details!

Meanwhile, I want to send a Blonde-Out to Yoel, for his inspiring work charting his own dating adventures. This level of specificity and good record-keeping is way beyond Blondie's sights, but I share a couple examples of his, just so you can see how a master does it. 

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