Don't Mind if I Do

Don't Mind if I Do
Why hello, gentlemen...

July 21, 2011

Judge Not, Lest Ye...

I had a total book/cover moment recently. Describing an upcoming first date, I said, "He's not bad-looking, but he's is obviously totally awkward. Look at his smile in that photo! It looks pained. He's gonna be a huge geek! I am not looking forward to this one."

Imagine my surprise when the moment arrived and J_____ was totally pleasant. He's developing drugs to fight multiple sclerosis (an issue dear to my heart), and he sails and golfs in his free time. He was definitely not suave, but he was smart and interesting and I thought we hit it off. Actually, I figured I had pretty well charmed him. At the end, he mentioned going salsa dancing, and I warmly agreed. I walked home thinking he was pretty lucky to have met a cute girl like me, who doesn't judge him for being a bit nerdy. Contrary to my expectations, I looked forward to hearing from him again.

And then...You guessed it! I didn't. Not a peep. Silencio. Pin drop. A great hush. No salsa dancing. No nothing.

Make mine sugar-free, if you please.

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