Don't Mind if I Do

Don't Mind if I Do
Why hello, gentlemen...

May 30, 2011

Love in the Time of Nasal Irrigation

It had all the makings of a great romance: near-disaster, redemption, and a connection that was more than skin-deep...

I and three colleagues were struggling to get the speakers working for an event which was to begin in just minutes. Lucky for us, a professional sound crew was within dragging distance, and drag we did. Our rescuer was a rough-around-the-edges cutie in all black (on the short side, but with humor and attitude to make up for it) who worked fast while bemoaning his terrible allergies and mincing no words about our shoddy equipment. He got us ship-shape in no time and, as you can imagine, I thought it was a great chance to make a new friend.

My coworkers dispersed to greet arriving guests, and I did what any clever and flirtatious gal would. After some extraneous thanks and a small bit of wiggling to the music now blasting from the speakers, I went in for the kill.

"Have you ever used the Neti Pot?"

(I'll take a moment to let the sheer brilliance of that one sink in.)

Yes, friends, it's true. It was quite the opening line. I'ma let you ponder how things turned out...




  1. You crack. me. up.

    Go you for seizing the moment and reaching out with a perfectly relevant (and helpful!) opener!

  2. I know, right?? He seemed unimpressed.

    But, let's not give up hope. My colleague insists we send him a thank you note! ;)
