Don't Mind if I Do

Don't Mind if I Do
Why hello, gentlemen...

May 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Dad & Liz!

I honor of my dad and stepmother's 17th anniversary, a transcript of a voicemail from him that I have saved from a couple years ago. For obvious reasons, it simple cannot be deleted:

"It seems... it occurs to me... that a good place for dating opportunities might be, like, the local theatre, y'know? That's where I met Elizabeth, doing a local production of Bertolt Brecht's* [sees a friend] -- Hi, Stan -- The Madwoman of Chaillot. For what it's worth...

image: From an Australian production, of which the reviewer opines,
"This production disappoints on so many levels it's difficult to know where to begin
Sigh, no one said theatre was easy.  I guess it's a risky business... just like love!  
[msg cont...] But, if you really want my real recommendation, if you wanna meet nice young men... the Kingdom Hall, the local Kingdom Hall. But, that'd be the one situation where you'd have to qualify by [chuckle] getting baptized, and having goals that were in line with their goals. So, the best would be the Kingdom Hall, but then, second to that, more available, would be the local theatre -- maybe. I don't know. Just let me know whether you think these are good suggestions... or whether you want any suggestions [deep chuckle]. Anyway, I love you. It was fun to talk to you the other day. Bye-bye."

* This is a word-for-word transcription. The play is by Jean Giraudoux. Let's not split hairs.

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