Don't Mind if I Do

Don't Mind if I Do
Why hello, gentlemen...

May 19, 2011

Where Not to Meet a Man, v.3

At the E.R. I tried! Sort of. 
One could make the case for a LURV emergency, 
but I'm not sure that would fly...

Of course, I didn't stroll in on a hunch that I'd find some edible, medical, man-candy. It was a legitimately urgent situation (all's well now, fyi), that just happened to lend itself (in my sleep-deprived, pain-deranged state, anyway), to a potential dating situation. I can't claim it was romantic, per se, and I definitely regretted not having brushed my teeth at 1:15am before making my feeble way to the Emergency Room. Still, the doc on call was pretty cute, in a semi-gruff, halfway-through-my-nightshift kind of way.

Alas, my thank you note went unanswered. My acupuncturist says there's no way in heck a doc would follow up on something like that. I protested that I'd heard otherwise from an E.R. nurse friend, but I guess the results speak for themselves. Still, I'm not giving up. I have an appointment at that very same hospital next month. This time, I'll brush my teeth first, juuust in case. 

Note: No explicit or implicit promise of the "services" a gentleman-loving-blondie
might seek. Was that accidentally left of the sign? 

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